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Participants from both WOLK and Inversie talent hubs spent a week preparing a presentation centered on the theme Sacred/Mud. During this brief residency, I wrote several texts, including a lament, which was shared with the audience as a series of small booklets. Each booklet contained fragments of the poem, inviting audience members to collaborate and compare their pieces to experience the poem in its entirety.














For the entire lament, click here.


Poetry Read Thru by Haute Cuisine - Kaapstad


Kaapstad is a free art festival that takes place in Tilburg. Three of my poems (Eve, Tanden, En toch) were featured in the Poetry Read Thru: an art installation by Haute Cuisine.




                    I watch you fall in love

with her.        I watch your warm face,

                      the roses on your cheeks.


                You’ve been drinking

again.      It’s nothing new. You,



   though I try.


                 There is only so much

time.         Only so much sunlight

              to quench your vice.


                   Your speech is slowing

and time            is stretching. I will kiss you

                     tonight. I will dress you


        in the morning.


                   Coffee is boiling. You,

again,            cursing that empty mug,

                    as if I ever denied you



Other Experiments (aka Poems)

The Hound

Climate Grief (Fragmented Voices)

Quiet House

... and way, way more.


"The bundle breaks               its voice

breaching       phonemes like breath

clouding                                dancing

through the cracks     in the window

like snow"

-Excerpt from Quiet House, McKenna Faulkner



Once in a blue moon, I like to perform. In the past, I've shared poems of mine at Bulkboek Literary Marathon, het Zwarte Schaap, and Meervaart Poetry Café, among other events.

Foto: Marcel de Buck

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